Recommended Equipment


The Essentials:


RAD ROllers

Best myo-fascial release tools.

Staff favorites/ used most in Mindful Mechanics:


  • ATOM


Use code Summer15 at checkout for 15% off

Used in: Mindful Mechanics


Steel Mace

We recommend beginners go with a 5 or 7lb mace.

These mace are most accessible for building stability in the shoulders and also can be used in all classes.

Dealing with old injuries? Always go for the lightest weight!

Used in: Steel Mace HIIT, Steel Mace Vinyasa, Strength and Conditioning HIIT

Use code FlowShala for discount


Yoga Gear

Yoga gear for beginners:

  • Yoga Mat

  • Yoga Blocks

  • Straps

  • Bolster

    Used in: Vinyasa, Flow Fit, Restorative Yin

  • Nabosa mats discount: use code FlowShala

Creative Alternatives


Tennis balls instead of RAD Rollers,

House blankets used as Bolsters

Water bottle, book or box instead of Yoga Blocks

Scarf for a yoga band,

Wooden dowel for light club/mace,

Hammer or sledge hammer instead of a club,

A broom handle can work in place of a mace!

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Advance Your Arsenal



3lb, 5lb

Great for beginners, anyone with past shoulder issues, shoulder pain, or looking for more range in the shoulders.

Used in yoga hiit classes.

Can be used in place of heavy clubs or mace. Fun for using with Yoga Asana. Only one needed!


HEavy Clubs

10lb, 15lbs, 20lbs+ 

Excellent tool to build strength in core, glutes and shoulders.

Not recommended for beginners or anyone with existing shoulder injuries.