Steel Mace and Breathwork

I’m Josh Nordwick, host of the Reality Tunnels Podcast and author of Mountain Fit: The Hunter’s Fitness Solution. I have a deep interest in movement, psychology – particularly Jungian and behavior change, steel mace and indian clubs, archery hunting, breathwork and meditation, conversation/podcasting, and so much more. I spend most of my time studying these topics and sharing them with my clients and followers in an easy to digest and practical way.

Many people have been overly-civilized and cut off from their primal nature. This results in a whole host of dis-ease from depression and anxiety to obesity and chronic health conditions. Combining these three modalities helps people to re-connect with who they truly are – at a level deeper than what their parents or society taught them to be. This deeper level of knowing allows them the privilege of a lifetime, to become who they truly are. 

Mountain Fit is a book, mobile app, and coaching service that I created to help people all over the world become more complete individuals. I believe that there are basic archetypal energies that we all have access to, but we dissociate from them and project them onto the external world due to fear and shame. I guide my clients on a journey of their own psyche through movement, breathwork, and conversation to integrate these energies into their life, in a way that is in alignment with who they want to be. This results in a profound level of holistic health and empowerment.


Josh will be teaching a six-week course at Flow Shala every Thursday at 5:30pm called White Magic: Steel Mace and Breathwork (you can register online following this link)

White Magic: Noun. Magic used for good purposes, specifically to counteract evil.


This 6-week series combines steel mace and breathwork to empower you to harness all of your psychic and physical energy. You will experience altered states of consciousness as you explore and integrate four of the most primal archetypal energy sources, The King/Queen, Warrior, Magician, and Lover, to become a more complete and potent human. This course includes weekly reflection questions and email correspondence with Josh relating to each of the archetypes. Open to all abilities.


Week 1: Intro to the steel mace, breathwork, and the archetypal energies.

Week 2: Harness the King/Queen energy to create order and fertility in your life/ personal kingdom.

Week 3: Embody the warrior energy to overcome any obstacle that life can throw at you.

Week 4: Tap into the magician energy and learn to change the world by changing your mindset and biochemistry.

Week 5: View life through the eyes of the lover energy to see the underlying connection of all things and improve your relationships.

Week 6: Integrate all of these energies into your character to become a truly powerful human.

Summer Huntington