How Cross-Training for Outdoor Sports can Boost Performance


Work hard so you can play hard. This is something that many of us have heard in relation to “work work”. But this idea also applies to outdoor sports, like rock climbing, mountain biking, kayaking.

If you do the work to train your body before going to do your favorite activities, you lessen your chance of injury, increase your endurance, and find even more confidence as you play.

So “working hard”, ie. doing regular calisthenics and mobility training, can help you play hard in the great outdoors and enjoy your sport even more!

Coach Durango Duran trains athletes to do just this, and he calls it the WILDERNESS STRONG METHOD.

How to Build Your Own WILDERNESS STRONG Training Routine:

To get wilderness strong, you must focus on functional movements that build strength, stability, and endurance for outdoor activities. Incorporate a variety of exercises into your workouts. Include bodyweight exercises, resistance training, and cardiovascular conditioning.

4 things to remember when building your workout routine:

1) Your workout routine needs to be tailored to your individual needs and goals.

Take the time to understand your strengths, weaknesses, and limitations so that you can develop a personalized workout plan.

If you don’t know where to start, try working with Coach Durango for at least 6 weeks to help build personalized training methods.

2) When choosing functional movements for your workout routine, choose ones which mimic the movements required for outdoor sports.

For example, incorporate exercises that improve grip strength for rock climbing, or focus on core stability to improve balance and control on a mountain bike.

3) Outside of sport-specific movements, choose workouts that will improve overall fitness and athleticism, rather than just focusing on one area of the body.

This approach will help you build a well-rounded foundation of strength and conditioning that is essential for success in outdoor sports.

Choose endurance activities and HIIT activities that move your joints through many ranges of motion, rather than only repetitive movements.

4) Keep your workouts challenging and varied, to stay engaged and motivated through your fitness journey.

Use a range of training techniques and equipment to keep workouts fresh and engaging. This will help you stay on track and achieve your goals.

When working with his clients in Wilderness Strong, Durango’s workout style is highly effective because it is tailored to each client's individual needs and goals.

The workouts he makes for clients incorporate functional movements that mimic the demands of outdoor sports, and is challenging, varied, and engaging.

Overcoming the Barriers to Starting a Training Routine:

Some of the most common barriers to starting a training routine are outlined below. Do any of these hold you back?

1) Fear of failure:

Many people feel overwhelmed by the idea of starting a new training routine, particularly if they feel they have a lot of ground to make up in terms of fitness or skill level.

This fear of failure can be a significant mental block, preventing people from even attempting to start a training program.

2) Perfectionism:

Related to the fear of failure is the idea of perfectionism. Some people feel that they need to be at a certain level of fitness or skill before starting a training program, or that they need to be able to perform perfectly from day one.

This can be a significant mental block, as it prevents people from giving themselves permission to make mistakes and learn as they go.

3) Lack of motivation:

For some people, the idea of starting a training routine simply doesn't feel appealing or motivating. They may struggle to find the energy or desire to exercise, or may feel overwhelmed by the idea of committing to a new routine.

4) Time constraints:

Many people cite lack of time as a major obstacle to starting a training routine. They may feel that they simply don't have enough hours in the day to devote to exercise, or may feel that they need to prioritize other responsibilities over their own fitness.

5) Negative self-talk:

Finally, negative self-talk can be a major mental block preventing people from starting a training routine. They may tell themselves that they're too out of shape, too old, too busy, or too clumsy to exercise, and these negative beliefs can prevent them from even trying.

Dig deeper into your mental blocks: Ask yourself, is this totally, 100% true?

When asking if something is 100% always true, we often find room to grow out of these ways of thinking. You probably discovered, no it’s not 100% true. Now, how can you reframe that state of mind to something more true?

Maybe if you believe that you are “too out of shape to start training”, you can instead reframe this as “I am gaining more strength and stamina every time I train, therefor I can meet myself where I’m at today”.

Try it out! Reframe your mindset with whatever is holding you back.

Understanding and addressing these mental blocks can be key to help you start a training routine and stick with it over the long term. By acknowledging these obstacles and developing strategies to overcome them, you can gain the confidence and motivation you need to achieve your fitness goals.

The thing is, you can overcome any of these barrier, you’ve just got to get creative and maybe get some support.


Transformations from Wilderness Strong Training:

What you can expect when you start training with a goal and training with a purpose. Below are the experiences Coach Durango has shared that he’s seen countless clients experience. The most important thing to achieving these results is a well laid-out plan and consistency in practice.

Improved performance:

Many of Durango's clients have seen significant improvements in their performance in outdoor activities. By developing personalized training programs that target specific areas of weakness, Durango helps clients build strength, endurance, and skill, allowing them to take on more challenging terrain and achieve their goals.

Increased confidence:

Working with Durango as a coach has helped clients build confidence in their abilities and feel more prepared to take on new challenges. By providing expert guidance and support, Durango helps clients overcome their fears and develop the mental toughness necessary to succeed in outdoor sports.

Greater understanding of injury prevention:

One of Durango's key areas of expertise is injury prevention, and many of his clients have seen significant improvements in their ability to avoid injuries while training and competing.

By teaching clients proper form, emphasizing rest and recovery, and providing guidance on nutrition and hydration, Durango helps clients stay healthy and injury-free.

Positive lifestyle changes:

Durango's coaching extends beyond the gym or training field, and many clients have seen positive changes in their overall lifestyle as a result of working with him.

By encouraging healthy habits like regular exercise, healthy eating, and good sleep hygiene, Durango helps clients achieve a higher level of wellness and vitality.

Overall, Durango's coaching has helped many clients achieve significant transformations in their physical abilities, mental toughness, and overall well-being.

Through a combination of expert guidance, personalized training, and a deep understanding of outdoor sports and injury prevention, Durango helps clients reach their full potential and achieve their goals with confidence and grace.

More about Coach Durango:

Durango Duran

Durango is a highly experienced movement coach who specializes in training for outdoor activities such as sea kayaking, rock climbing, and mountain biking. He holds several certifications, including NASM personal training, Calisthenics, NCCPT personal training, Wilderness first responder, and wilderness first aid. Durango also has an outdoor education degree from the National Outdoor Leadership School.

With over a 8 years of experience in the fitness industry, Durango has worked with a wide range of clients, from beginners to seasoned athletes. He has helped clients achieve their fitness goals, overcome mental blocks, and develop the mental and physical toughness necessary to succeed in outdoor sports.

Durango's coaching background is rooted in his passion for outdoor sports and his desire to help others discover the joy and satisfaction of moving their bodies in nature. He is committed to providing personalized coaching that is tailored to each client's individual needs, goals, and abilities. He takes a holistic approach to fitness, focusing not only on physical fitness but also on mental and emotional well-being.

Durango's coaching philosophy is built on the belief that movement is essential for a healthy and fulfilling life. He is dedicated to helping his clients discover the joy of movement and develop the skills and confidence necessary to enjoy outdoor sports safely and effectively. Whether you are a seasoned athlete or a beginner looking to get started, Durango has the expertise and experience to help you achieve your goals and unlock your full potential.

Durango's expertise in outdoor sports is extensive, and his combination of certifications and education make him well-equipped to train clients in activities such as sea kayaking, rock climbing, and mountain biking.

Want to work with Coach Durango? Book a free consult with him here